Baby girl with the BEST hair!

I can’t believe how long it has been since I’ve blogged a session.  The older I get I feel like the harder it is to keep up with all the things in life. I have TONS of beautiful sessions to share.  I thought I would start with this sweet girl because she just turned ONE!

I met this precious girl’s momma, Tracy, wayyyyy back when we were in high school. We went to different schools but had mutual friends and hung out on weekends.  Most of the time we were up to no good but it was always so fun! Luckily with social media you can keep up with old friends even when life gets busy.

I got to meet her adorable boys when they came for a session two years ago.  Such different personalities!  It was so nice because Tracy completely trusted my vision and they came out so precious!  We haven had baby chicks to stuff in their pockets and they did all the things little boys love to do….play in the grass, climb trees, swing high….

Fast forward a year and they became big brothers to the cuuuuuutest baby girl!


Tracy always had the prettiest hair growing up.  I knew exactly where Kambri’s hair came from when I saw her.  I was so excited when she reached out for a newborn session with her.  I had the BEST time posing her and dressing her up!

perfect froggy pose with baby with good hair

I mean……isn’t she incredible?!

I didn’t want to cover up her hair….but I do love a baby in a bonnet!

baby girl with amazing hair

smiling newborn girl

Look at that smirk!

baby girl side lying posebum up pose of baby with great hair


My favorite photos I think are the ones with her brothers and their first family photos.  It’s so fun watching how she naturally just fit’s right in.

Now booking fall newborn sessions.  If you are interested in a session, fill out my contact form HERE or email me at