New Orleans Newborn Photographer {Oliver}

New Orleans Newborn Photographer {Oliver}

I knowwwww you remember this GORGEOUS momma-to-be and this precious big sister-to-be. The setting was perfect for them. Their blue dresses just popped right out of the picture and they were so sweetly framed by mother natures.

New Orleans Maternity Photographer {Kevin}

Her rainy day maternity session produced one of my favorite images of all time. Big sister Mason was the most beautiful newborn. I had no doubt Oliver was going to be too so I was so excited to meet him!


perfect newborn profile

What did I tell you? Gorgeous, right?? He had the softest hair, prettiest skin that was just about without a single blemish, and the sweetest little features. He was so sleepy and easy to pose. Just like his big sister, he was a photographers dream baby. The only thing he didn’t like was putting outfits on. But I think all babies dislike that.

Perfect front lying pose with newborn

He was so sleepy and cuddly. I could have posed him all day long.

perfect bum up pose with newborn

He woke up for a second then crashed right back out when I wrapped him up. His momma chose all neutrals for his session and they looked so beautiful on him.

Mason was so sweet as a newborn, a perfect model at her mom’s maternity session AND exceptionally good at her brother’s newborn session. How many two year olds do you know will willingly and so gently lie down, follow instructions, hold a brand new baby and give the sweetest smiles?

So appreciative of my beautiful clients that come back to me to capture such special memories.

Now booking 2020 newborn sessions. If you are interested in scheduling a session, fill out my contact form today.

New Orleans Newborn Photographer {Oliver}

Little bed from: The original photoblocks

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