Fine Art Children’s Photography in Covington, LA

Fine Art Children’s Photography in Covington, LA

Every year we plan a big trip with our girls to explore the world. It is so much more than a vacation. It is truly an adventure where we go off the grid and immerse ourselves in a different culture. Harley at the age of four had already explored 11 different countries from volcanos and glaciers in Iceland to rainforests in Costa Rica to the beautiful beaches of the French and Italian Riviera. Last year we were in awe at the Acropolis of Athens and the beauty of the blue and white landscape of Mykonos. Each place having it’s own unique beauty. This year we were going on an extra special trip. Since

Harley was about 4 months old she has had a very special pen pal in England, Ada. It was probably more for myself and her mom at first. We would exchange little trinkets once a month for the girls. I was always so excited to see a package in the mail from our friends across the pond. After the first year, we kept it up by sending a birthday treat and a Christmas note and now the girls are so excited to get their surprises. Now with Facebook they have even been able to call each other. It is so sweet!

Matt and Mattie and I visited England before Harley was born and this was the year we would return so Harley could finally meet her dear friend Ada….She was so excited and talked about it for months about the fun they would have. I was dreaming of a photoshoot of the girls (naturally)…..and then Covid. We were in the process of researching our adventure.

We usually fly into one country, rent a car then take an amazing road trip and fly home from another country. So it takes a good bit of planning. My husband said I think we need to wait and see what is going on with this virus before going any further. So needless to say, our trip this year was canceled ?

I have been so sad about it especially with all of my Facebook pop ups this week. Even though we won’t be traveling this year, Harley went on another grand adventure, one that will last a lifetime…. She learned to read ❤️❤️❤️

We have spent an hour every day since March when the quarantine started working through a reading program. She has worked SO hard and I couldn’t be more proud of her. She just finished the second grade level. Ironically, her inspiration has been her dear friend Ada. Ada is an amazing reader and would post nighttime stories. Harley was so excited to watch. Even half a world away Ada was motivation for Harley. Thank you Ada for being our inspiration! Just hoping now we can visit next year. There is no stopping her now….No text message is safe, no trying to spell out words to my husband so Harley won’t know what I’m talking about, she reads it all. Milestone sessions go far beyond pushing up, sitting and standing. This was an important milestone that deserved a special session ❤️?

Now booking fall sessions. If you are interested in scheduling a session, fill out my contact form today.

Fine Art Children’s Photography in Covington, LA

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