
Covington Family Photographer {Josie 4 years}

I am always so honored when my talented photographer friends ask me to photograph their families. It kinda makes me nervous too because I really want to do a good job but at the same time if I totally screw it up they are friends so it would be easier to fix it. He he…

Being an 80’s baby, about 50% of my friends are named Jennifer lol. I met this particular Jennifer in a local photography group and we hit it off! And it’s convenient that she has an adorable 4 year old who is equally as spunky as my Harley and they have become the sweetest little friends. They are in dance class together and get to goof off every week…. They are so funny. They are always trying to lift each other up and at the end of class they get a sticker and always trade.

Josie 4 years

We have been planning outfits for months now and when it came close to the session I began searching for the perfect location to go with the colors. I knew Jennifer wanted downtown Covington so it was easy because there are lots of options. I was so excited to find this little spot on side of the road. I thought the tones would complement their outfits nicely. I looooove how it turned out!

Next we went outside of the to Southern Hotel. It is such a beautiful location and always has flowers in the garden. I was hoping for an overcast day to shoot at this location and it was….totally lucked out.

The last spot was my favorite. I thought the blue/teal trim on the windows would be beautiful with Jennifer’s dress.

One thing you will notice about Josie, is that she has the most amazing hair. It is SO long and beautiful. And it grows so fast!

So lucky to have such amazing friends in my life. It was such a fun session and it is so rewarding seeing it all come together!

Now booking fall family sessions. If you are interested in scheduling a session fill out my contact form today.

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