Cam 1 year {New Orleans Family Photographer}
You know when people ask me what I do for a living I tell them I’m a teacher. Which is true. Those that know me know that I moved from a career as a scientist to teach high school science which I couldn’t love more. But photography could never be a job for me. It is truly my passion. When I picked up a camera 17 years ago it forever changed the way I see the world. I can’t go anywhere without appreciating how light and shadows fall across faces and visualize what a location would look like through my lenses. I am very particular about what sessions I will do and even what will happen during those sessions. And maybe I’m sort of a selfish photographer. Because I honestly don’t shoot for my clients I shoot for me. Maybe I’m completely backwards but I almost don’t feel like they are hiring me for photos for them but instead bringing me beautiful subjects so that I can escape into a trance that completely takes over when I begin to shoot. Sometimes at newborn sessions especially, I am completely unaware of my surroundings and totally consumed by that baby. It’s crazy.
The actual session is just the beginning.
I’ve been in so many photography groups where photographers complain about having to cull and edit images and I’m thinking are you nuts? When I leave a session I have to put my camera in my trunk to prevent me from looking at the images at every red light. I literally cannot wait to get home and upload the images to my computer to see what I got.
I love editing just as much as I love shooting. I think that love stems from the fact that I was a film photographer for 10 years or so and lived for the magic that happened in the dark room. There is nothing that compares to that. But in photoshop I can make magic happen too. You can take an ordinary photo and make it extraordinary. It is so much fun.
This session was no different. My goal was to try to capture on “film” the love this new little family had for each other. When Laura contacted me you could feel the genuine kindness from her email. I get a lot of inquiries and every once in a while I get one that has me thinking….boy I can’t wait to meet this person.
We had their session at Fontainebleau State Park in Mandeville which is pretty easy for my South shore clients to get to. It really was perfect and the sunsets are so pretty this time of year.
When Laura got out of the car I thought my goodness, so so kind AND gorgeous!
And they brought me the sweetest and happiest baby with the MOST amazing deep blue eyes! Cam was perfect the whole time.
I swear they look like they could be in a magazine. So so sweet.
And I know this session was supposed to be all about Cam….and there are plenty of photos of her I promise 🙂 But I think it’s important for mom and dad to celebrate their love for each other too. I mean look how Chase is snuggling his gal….. I think he’s got a thing for her 😉
I always ask clients to bring a lovey or a favorite toy for a milestone session to make it a little more personal. This sweet girl loves to play her piano! You should have seen her….one foot kicked up at her sunset jam session. Too cute!
I’m obsessed with her little flippy hair….and that golden light.
Her parents aren’t Louisiana natives but this sweet girl certainly is….sucking the head on dem crawfish already 🙂